2024 C3E POster Competition
The U.S. C3E Poster Competition Submission is now accepting applications
The poster competition gives again the opportunity for students and early-career researchers to participate in the poster competition of the annual C3E Symposium and Awards. The poster competition exposes the symposium attendees to cutting-edge research in a variety of clean energy fields. A poster committee with wide-ranging expertise will select the most compelling poster submissions for presentation at the symposium with an eye toward diversity of institution, topic, and discipline. See the past poster winners.
The posters will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
How effectively entrants are able to communicate to multidisciplinary audiences (government, academics, executives, etc.)
Professionalism and enthusiasm during the 1-minute poster presentations
Clarity of materials, specifically:
motivation for studying this topic
research methods
results and/or conclusions
potential impact of research results and/or conclusions
Posters must be created as one-side A0 (33” by 46”) horizontal and be printed by the student. Presenters should bring their posters with them to the symposium.
The poster presenter must be a female undergraduate, graduate student, or postdoctoral researcher currently undertaking the research project presented. Two presenters per poster will not be considered.
The presentation topic must relate to clean energy in any of the following areas:
Basic Energy Science
Built Environment and Infrastructure
Climate and Environment
Developing World
Energy Education
Energy Efficiency
Fossil Energy Emissions Mitigation
Nuclear Energy
Policy and Finance
Power Distribution and Energy Storage
Renewable Energy
The research should be well underway, with (at least) preliminary findings and must be original work.
Entrants will be informed if their posters have been approved for presentation and must be able to attend the Symposium in-person. The C3E poster committee will award a cash prize for the five most compelling posters and presentations. Awards will be announced during the 13th annual C3E Symposium.
Record a one-minute video of yourself pitching your poster. Introduce yourself, tell us the title of your poster and where you work, and tell us why someone should read your poster. Upload the video to YouTube as unlisted or public. Be sure to be professionally dressed (no hoodies, t-shirts, tank tops; blazers encouraged).
Create your poster using this template for the electronic submission. Go to File > Make a copy > Poster to edit in Google Drive (preferred) or File > Download > Microsoft PowerPoint to edit on your desktop. Copy the link to your poster in Google Drive or upload to another sharing service (e.g. Box, Dropbox, WeTransfer) and paste the link to the google form. During the event, you can either use the template or create your poster to your organization template as an A0 size.
Submit your poster (google form).
When preparing your poster, consider the following tips:
Posters will be made publicly available online for two days before the symposium as well as during the symposium at the C3E website (electronic format).
Poster presenters should be next to their poster during breaks.
Avoid jargon and acronyms. Because C3E attendees come from such a wide variety of backgrounds, assume that viewers of your poster will have limited knowledge of your content area.