The Clean Energy Education and Empowerment (C3E) Initiative is led by the U.S. Department of Energy, in collaboration with MIT Energy Initiative, Stanford's Precourt Institute for Energy, and the Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory at ASU. Increasing the participation, leadership, and success of women in energy fields is the goal of the C3E Initiative.



The Four Pillars



Mid-career women in energy are recognized at the annual C3E Symposium, a gathering of professionals across the energy spectrum. At this celebration, a Lifetime Achievement Honoree and eight C3E Awardees are announced and recognized.

A publicly accessible livestream is typically made available during the Symposium, and a recording of the event is posted to the C3E website.



The C3E Awards recognize mid-career women who have demonstrated outstanding leadership and accomplishments in energy. The awards, underwritten by the MIT Energy Initiative, Stanford University’s Precourt Institute for Energy, and the Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory at ASU, are given in eight categories at the annual Symposium. Each Awardee receives a cash gift to further the goals of the C3E Initiative. A Lifetime Achievement Award winner is also recognized for a career of distinguished accomplishments.



The C3E Initiative connects those working in energy with information, insight, inspiration, and an opportunity to engage with peers and mentors. Many C3E Ambassadors and other professionals around the country share news and opportunities. In this community, you can network and support others, share opportunities, find inspiration, and receive updates about the C3E Awards and the C3E webinar series.



The C3E Ambassadors are a group of 40 distinguished senior professionals who represent the C3E Initiative at public forums and work to strengthen the recruitment, retention, and advancement of highly qualified women in the energy field.

Ambassadors select the annual C3E Award winners and serve as advisors for the C3E Awards program and other aspects of the Initiative.



In 2010, thirty distinguished women and men, three energy ministers, and eight governments launched the Clean Energy Education & Empowerment (C3E) women’s initiative at the first Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) to advance women’s participation in the energy sector. 

The U.S. Department of Energy and the MIT Energy Initiative collaborated on the initiative and the first four years of the C3E Symposium and Awards from 2012-2015, with Stanford’s Precourt Institute for Energy joining the collaboration in 2015. The Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory at ASU joined in 2024, and the host institution of the symposium and awards now rotates among the three universities. 

The establishment of the C3E Technology Collaboration Program (TCP) was announced in June 2017 during the 8th CEM meeting. The International Energy Agency provides organizational and analytical support of the C3E TCP. The U.S. C3E Awards were held under the banner of the international C3E initiative through 2016. In 2017, the C3E Awards became a domestic program. More information about the international C3E Program.